Back to School!

As most of you know, school is starting! Everyone feels a bit different about it I'm sure! This year is my first year at Laurel Nokomis, so it's  a big change for me.

Before School Jitters

School can be very stressful for some people and very go with the flow for others. It just depends on YOU! For me it's very in between, but this year is going to be an adjustment. So far I think it's going to be a good one! I've made a lot of friends at my new school so I know I won't be lonely on the first day. It's not all going to be a piece of cake though. I don't know how everything goes at Laurel. Just little things like lunch or specials. It's also a very big school so I don't know where everything is. I know the big stuff like where the cafeteria is or my classroom, so I'm not too worried about that stuff!
I think my teacher is going to be really good. She seems like she will hold us to a high standard and push us to be better! Everyone has before school jitters, but I know that after the first day everything will be smooth sailing! 

Do you have Jitters about something new?

When I'm feeling stressed or anxious about something, I have different ways of dealing with it. In this case I had a couple of different ways of getting rid of some of my jitters! One of them was getting more familiar with my school. I joined the safety patrols. That way I can meet some more kids in my grade and feel more involved. Another thing I did was getting organized! I packed my bag and picked out all my clothes for the week. Doing that saves a lot of time in the morning and takes a little off my plate!

I'll be posting how my first week of school went so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!


  1. Lila..I'm sure most girls feel exactly like you do on their first day of school. I hope you will have a wonderful day tomorrow and a great year as a 5th grader! Loved your blog!

    1. Thanks Nama!I always love your encouragement!

  2. Good luck tomorrow. I know you will do great. I'm sure your post helped a lot of kids deal with their jitters. ��

    1. Thanks for the nice comment! They always make me feel good!

  3. You are Gods magnificent creation and your first day of school will be got this Lila. Have fun!


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